Erfahrungsberichte Sprachreise Havanna - Kuba | StudyLingua-Sprachreisen

An dieser Stelle findest Du zum Sprachaufenthalt Havanna auf Kuba Erfahrungsberichte und Meinungen von ehemaligen Teilnehmern. Die Kursbeurteilungen zur Kuba Sprachaufenthalt vermitteln ein Bild vom Unterricht sowie dem Ambiente an der Schule. 

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Marco Rossi (IT)
Kurs: Standard 20

The general impression, the destination, the school location as well as the class sizes are very good. I also liked the school infrastructure, the organization, the teachers and the activity program. The residence I stayed in was very satisfying, too.

Rosemarie Dupont (FR)
Kurs: Standard 20

"La Habana me ha sorprendido. Una experiencia diferente pero muy interesante. He aprendido mucho de la gente y la escuela."

Corinne Brenner (CH)
Kurs: Standard 20

First of all I’d like to say that I had a great time and I really liked Havanna, the school, the excursions and especially the food at the school J

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